Please ensure that you have completed the appropriate waiver:
Parking and ISO check in is at the back of the building. Do not forget that the new IFSC scoring system will be used.
REVISED Running Order Men’s Qualification
REVISED Running Order Women’s Qualification
Saturday, March 3rd
8:00 Isolation Zone Men Opens
9:00 Isolation Zone Men Closes
9:05 Technical Meeting
10:00-2:30 Qualification Men
3:00 Isolation Zone Women Opens
4:00 Isolation Zone Women Closes
4:05 Technical Meeting
5:00-9:00 Qualification Women
Sunday, March 4th
9:00 Isolation Zone Men and Women Semi-Finals Opens
10:00 Isolation Zone Men and Women Semi-Finals Closes
11:00-2:00 Semi-Finals Men and Women
4:30 Isolation Zone Men and Women Finals Opens
5:30 Isolation Zone Men and Women Finals Closes
6:30-8:30 Finals Men and Women
Followed by Awards Ceremony