Our Partners

Our 2021/2022 Host Gyms:

Our season is made possible by the generous support of our partner gyms:





Ontario Climbing Gyms:

Here is a full list of Ontario Climbing Gyms

Sport Climbing Organizations in Canada:


ACA - Logo




Other Canadian Climbing Groups:

OntarioAccessCoalitionLogoThe Ontario Access Coalition (OAC) is a volunteer, not-for-profit group that works with the climbing community, land owners, conservation authorities and property managers to keep climbing and bouldering areas open in an environmentally responsible manner.

ACCThe Alpine Club of Canada (ACC) has 30 alpine huts and 22 regional club sections across Canada. They offer mountain adventures throughout the country and around the world and publish books and journals related to mountain culture. They provide support for access and environmental issues, an avenue into competition climbing, financial grants that support a variety of mountaineering-related projects and much more.