OCF Annual General Meeting


Ontario Climbing Federation

Annual General Meeting

@True North Climbing, April 23, 2016

(between the two qualifier rounds of climbing at Provincials)


  1. Annual Report to Members
  2. Election of new Directors
  3. Other Business

Notice of the Ontario Climbing Federation’s 2016 Annual General Meeting and

call for nominations for election to the Board of Directors

The OCF will be hold its 2016 Annual General Meeting (AGM), including the election of Board of Director members on April 23rd, 2016 at True North Climbing Gym. The meeting and election will take place during the break between the two qualification rounds.

OCF Board and positions up for election

OCF members elect the directors to form the Board. The OCF Board normally consists of seven elected directors, each serving a two year term. The terms are offset such that three or four positions come due for election each spring. Three of the four positions coming up for election this year are due to the directors’ regular terms having been completed and the replacements will therefore commence a new two year term starting June 1st, 2016. The fourth position is coming due as the director has decided to resign their position a year early, and therefore the replacement will commence a one year term. The remaining three Board members each have one year remaining in their terms. The current board members, their terms and their roles this past year are listed at https://archive.climbontario.ca/contacts/.

Eligibility for election, the nomination process, and the deadline for nomination

Any adult member of the OCF in good standing is eligible for election. Nominations are by personal declaration of the candidate member. In order to help our membership make an informed choice, the Board asks those who wish to nominate themselves to email our Registrar at membership@climbontario.ca. Nominees are asked to include a brief statement describing their background, including any skills relevant to being a member of the board, and why they wish to join the OCF Board. To ensure that each member is able to make an informed voting choice during the AGM, all nominations and statements must be received on or before April 16th so that they can be included on the OCF web site and Facebook page, as well as made available to those eligible to vote the day of the election. Nominations will close at 11:59pm on April 16th, 2016. Each candidate will be given an opportunity to make a brief statement before voting takes place on April 23rd, 2016.

Voting process including proxy voting authorization

Voting will be by secret ballot. All Adult members as of Friday, April 22nd, 2016 are entitled to one ballot. Child members (those under 18) may not vote, but may give their proxy to their parent or legal guardian to exercise on their behalf. Furthermore, adult members who are not able to attend the meeting but would like to assign their proxy to another adult member may do so by completing and signing this Proxy Voting Authorization AGM 2016. The signed proxy voting authorization form must be presented by the member who will be voting when they register for the AGM.

Voting ballot

Each ballot will contain up to four votes for candidates to fill the four positions up for election. There will be two votes. The first vote will be to elect the three directors who will fill the three two year terms. Once these directors have been identified, they will be removed from the ballot and there will be a second vote to elect the director who will fill the one year term. In each vote, the Registrar will tally the votes and announce/post the results.