The CEC has announced the cancellation of the 2020-2021 Open National Competition Series but remains hopeful of being able to host a modified 2020-2021 Youth National Competition Series.
The OCF has worked closely with the CEC and other PSOs over the past months, and we support the CEC’s decision. If the CEC Youth Boulder/Lead National event goes ahead in May 2021, the OCF will be prepared to host qualifying events for our athletes.
Our August member survey showed a high level of support and enthusiasm for competitions this year: over 70% of responding members said they would definitely or very likely attend OCF competitions if they can be run safely.
If CEC series do not go ahead, we will still consider hosting local events once it is safe to do so. Our newly formed Competition Committee is hard at work exploring options and developing novel solutions for competitions this season. Our member survey provided great suggestions for non-competition programming we can offer this year and we are exploring those options as well.
Stay safe. Support your local gym by following all of the safety protocols they have in place. Take all precautions to prevent the spread so that we can be back together as soon as possible and share our passion for competition climbing with this great community.