Youth Recreational Climbing Series Event!

We are excited to announce our newest opportunity for youth climbers!

The OCF Youth Recreational Series offers recreational competitions for youth aged 6-18. These events are geared towards recreational climbers, youth who are new to the sport, and those who want to come out and try climbing in a fun, no-pressure environment. Participants will climb up to 30 bouldering problems in a scramble format. This “choose your own adventure” format allows everyone to participate at their own level. The competition will be peer-judged. Everyone will be given a scorecard when they arrive and will mark their own results as they go. The event will be scored Top or No Top (no points, zones or attempts), and no direct ranking will occur. Participants will be recognized in tiers based on the number of climbs they complete.

The Recreational Series is intended to provide a more relaxed alternative to the OCF Competitive Series in terms of format, scoring and intensity. It may, however, be a great option for new team members who are not yet ready for Competitive Series competitions.

Our first event of the series will be hosted by the great team at The Core Climbing Gym in Cambridge, Ontario on November 2nd, 2019. There will be two climbing times to choose available: 9-11am and 11am-1pm.

Please register at We hope to see you there!

For more info, please contact us at