Board Meeting September 17, 2017

An OCF board meeting was held on Sunday September 17, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. in Toronto

Attendees: Kellen Tapley, Shaun Hunter, Lorraine Winger, Lisa Gray, Tyler Norton, Malek Taleb. Gillian Wyett


Motions passed:

OCF Memberships All Ontario athletes, Open and youth, are required to purchase an OCF membership in order to be eligible to participate in any OCF sanctioned competition, including the Bouldering National Series event.
Competition Official honorariums and role descriptions Jury President Honorarium – The OCF is to offer an honorarium to each Jury President who presides at an OCF-sanctioned competition. The honorarium is intended to somewhat compensate the Jury President for their out-of-pocket expenses (primarily gas and hotel) incurred in the course of their duties, not as a salary for the hours they contribute. The Jury President honorarium for the 2017/18 season to be $100 per day with an additional $50 if the Jury President runs a judging clinic and/or attends the gym the night before the competition to check out video system and the set-up of the routes, and an additional $50 if the Jury President needs to stay overnight in a hotel between the first and second day of a competition. In case of a Jury President and a Head Judge (only at Provincials) at a competition they will both receive the honorarium. Judges in training will not be paid an honorarium.

OCF Judge Honorarium – The OCF is to offer an honorarium to each OCF Judge who presides at an OCF-sanctioned competition. The honorarium is intended to somewhat compensate the OCF Judge for their out-of-pocket expenses (primarily gas and hotel) incurred in the course of their duties, not as a salary for the hours they contribute. The OCF Judge honorarium for the 2017/18 season to be $100 per day with an additional $50 if the OCF Judge attends the gym the night before the competition to check out video system and the set-up of the routes, and an additional $50 if the OCF Judge needs to stay overnight in a hotel between the first and second day of a competition. In case of a Jury President and an OCF Judge (only at Provincials) at a competition they will both receive the honorarium. Judges in training will not be paid an honorarium.

OCF Judges only required for Provincials in 2017-2018 season

Technical Delegate Honorarium – The OCF is to offer an honorarium to each Technical Delegate who participates at an OCF-sanctioned competition. The honorarium is intended to somewhat compensate the Technical Delegate for their out-of-pocket expenses (primarily gas and hotel) incurred in the course of their duties, not as a salary for the hours they contribute. The Technical Delegate honorarium for the 2017/2018 season to be $50.00 for pre-competition work including assembling running orders and posting of the running orders, usually includes being at the gym the night before the competition and $50.00 per competition day work including scoring and results and running orders if required for semi finals /finals.

Video Technician – The OCF is to offer an honorarium to each Video technician who participates at an OCF-sanctioned competition. The honorarium is intended to somewhat compensate the Video technician for their out-of-pocket expenses (primarily gas and hotel) incurred in the course of their duties, not as a salary for the hours they contribute. The Video Technician honorarium for the 2017/2018 season to be $120.00 for video set up (to a max of 6 hours) with any additional hours to be paid at an hourly rate of $20.00, and $50.00 for Video tear down (regardless of additional help from board or gym for tear down).

Position descriptions for the above officials as follows:

OCF Jury President (formerly called OCF Head Judge) – The Jury President has overall authority within the Competition Area. This authority extends to covering the activities of the media and all persons nominated by the organizer. The overall authority of the Jury President covers all aspects of the running of the competition. The Jury President presides over all meetings of competition officials and over organization and technical meetings with the competition organizers, team officials and competitors. Although the Jury President does not normally have a judging role, they may at any time choose to carry out any judging task generally assigned to the Co-Head Judge or other judges should they deem that necessary. The Jury President is responsible for briefing all officiating Judges on the application of the OCF and CEC Rules before the start of a competition. The Jury President can be responsible for running an OCF Directed Judging Clinic prior to the Competition.

The Jury President is a member of the Appeals Jury with the Technical Delegate and/or the OCF Judge.

OCF Judge (formerly called OCF Co-Head Judge or Head Judge) – The OCF Judge is a judge appointed by the OCF to assist the Jury President in undertaking all aspects of judging a competition. The Jury President or OCF Judge may also appoint Aspirant Judges to assist the OCF Judge in their judging duties. The OCF Judge is responsible for announcing the publication of starting and result lists, appeals, and any important changes to the competition programme.  The OCF Judge generally assigns the Route or Boulder Judges to their route or problem with information provided to him/her by the Volunteer Co-ordinator. For competitions where an OCF Judge has not been appointed or in case of absence of the OCF Judge, the Jury President will take over the duties of the OCF Judge.

The OCF Judge will be a member of the Appeals Jury with the Technical Delegate and can replace the Jury President on the Appeals Jury if the Jury President has been involved in the original decision.

OCF Technical Delegate – The Technical Delegate deals with all OCF-related organizational matters during the running of the competition. The Technical Delegate has the authority to ensure that the facilities and services provided by the competition organizer (such as registration of competitors and others; scoring and results service; and medical, media and other facilities) are in accordance with IFSC Regulations. The Technical Delegate is a member of the Appeals Jury with the Jury President and OCF Judge, and has the right to attend all meetings with the competition organizers, and take part in an advisory capacity in meetings of the Competition Jury. In the absence of the Jury President and before their arrival at a competition, the Technical Delegate acts on their behalf in respect to the organization of the competition within the Competition Area. Under exceptional circumstances, the Technical Delegate has the authority to decide to apply emergency measures, for instance an adjustment of the competition format. These measures are specified separately by the IFSC Rules.

For competitions where a Technical Delegate has not been appointed or in case of absence of the Technical Delegate, the Jury President will take over the duties of the Technical Delegate.

OCF Video Technician – Loads and transports video equipment to venue, sets up, tears down and transports equipment back to storage.

207/2018 budget 2017/2018 budget accepted as presented.
2017/2018 series rules Changes to series rules for the 2017/2018 series accepted.


Issues discussed:

  • CEC update
  • Chair’s update
  • Presentation of the 2016/2017 series Financial Statements
  • Presentation of the 2017/2018 budget
  • Finalization of series rules for the 2017/2018 series
  • Update re registration system
  • Finalization of the athlete information booklet for 2017/2018
  • Head judge schedule for 2017/2018 and development of certification program
  • 2017/2018 series competitions
  • Potential changes to the structure of the OCF board
  • OCF representative to attend CEC AGM


The next meeting will be held on Saturday November 11, 2017 at 9:30 a.m. in Oakville, ON.