Board Meeting Jan 14, 2017

An OCF board meeting was held on Saturday January 14, 2017 at 9:30 a.m. in Toronto


Attendees: Gillian Wyett, Shaun Hunter, Kellen Tapley, Sheila Marks, Malek Taleb.
By telephone: Lorraine Winger, Kari Robson.


Summary of motions passed:

Exemption policy 10 (d) Except as specified under section 10(c) regarding non-Ontario residents, no other exemptions will be granted in the event that an athlete is unable to meet the previous ‘one local’ rule, regardless of the circumstances.
To add a preface to the series rules Preface

The Climbing Escalade Canada (CEC) is recognized by the International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) as the National governing body for competition climbing in Canada in conjunction with the Provincial Sport Organizations (PSO).The Ontario Climbing Federation (OCF) is recognized as the Provincial PSO for competition climbing in Ontario.

Canada follows the International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) rules with any National amendments documented.

Ontario follows the CEC rules with Provincial amendments where required.

This document is intended to be read in conjunction with the CEC and IFSC rules.

Each Provincial Sport Organization (PSO) is responsible for organizing local and provincial events and defines its own Provincial Team selection criteria.

It is expected that PSOs will conduct all competitions which provide points to the National Ranking in Open and Youth in accordance with these rules. This is desirable, so that climbers are not impacted as they move up from local competitions to the Provincial, National and International competitions.

It is expected that the amendments to the OCF series rules, where different from CEC and/or IFSC rules, will be related to administration (e.g. quotas, venues, legal requirements, etc.) and not the actual climbing rules.

The CEC rules can be found at:

The IFSC rules can be found at:

To amend the privacy policy To include after the first paragraph in the “Use of your personal information” section of the privacy policy: The personal information of individuals who purchase a Climbing Escalade Canada (CEC) national licence through the OCF will be shared with the CEC for their purposes. Use of such personal information shared with the CEC will be governed by any privacy policy the CEC has established.

To amend the (now) third paragraph in the same section new wording underlined): The OCF will not share any personal information with third parties, apart from the CEC, as indicated above, without your permission, other than if required to do so by law, or in a good faith belief that such disclosure is necessary to either comply with the law, or prepare and defend the rights or property of the OCF. Any use of personal contact information is for OCF administration use only. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

Insurance renewal To pay the annual fee to renew the board’s insurance.


Other issues discussed:

  • CEC update
  • Chair’s update
  • Plans for Open Provincials/NS Event on January 28, 2017
  • Debrief of Youth Bouldering Provincials

The next meeting will be held on Saturday February 25, at 9:30am in Oakville.