Board Meeting November 11, 2017

An OCF board meeting was held on Saturday, November 11, 2017 at 9:30 a.m. in Toronto

Attendees: Kellen Tapley, Shaun Hunter, Lorraine Winger, Lisa Gray, Tyler Norton, Gillian Wyett.
Regrets: Malek Taleb


Motions passed:

OCF representative to the CEC board Malek Taleb to be put forward as the OCF’s recommendation for election to the CEC board at the CEC AGM to be held Oct. 15, 2017.
Judging clinic mileage allowance In cases where a judging clinic is held at a time other than the evening before a competition, the Jury President performing the clinic will be reimbursed for their travel costs from their home to the location the clinic is being held and back at a rate of $0.55/km.


Issues discussed:

  • CEC update
  • Chair’s update
  • Financial update
  • Update re registration system
  • Update re development of certification program for head judges
  • Updated re development of social media guidelines
  • 2017/2018 series competitions – those held to date and upcoming


The next meeting will be held on Saturday December 2, 2017 at 4 p.m. in Toronto, ON.