Up The Bloc Hosting Route Setting Clinic

Up The Bloc will be hosting a Commercial Route Setting Clinic run by their Head Route setter, Dustin Curtis. The first day will focus on Competition Setting and will tie in a mock comp. The second day will focus on the key elements of Commercial Setting. There are 8 spots available in this clinic and will be on a first come first serve basis.


What: A two day setting clinic run by the Canadain Purveyor of Destiny. The cost of this clinic will be $250 per setter

Who: All setters with at least 1 year of setting experience who are currently setting in a commercial facility are welcome

When: September 21st and 22nd. Each day will start at 8:00am and will go to about 5:00pm

Where: Up The Bloc 1224 Dundas St E #28, Mississauga, ON L4Y 2C5

About Dustin: 
Over the course of my setting career, I’ve had the opportunity to attend and host multiple setting clinics. I have always found that these events have helped grow and shape the setter I have become. With my move back to the GTA, after 5 years of working and learning from our counter parts out west, I want to help foster and grow the route setting community so that we can rise to the challenge and demand of the continually growing climbing industry. I have been very fortunate to have had the experiences of setting at the highest level of national and international competition, as well as having the opportunities to have worked with some of the best setters in the world. I’ve had many years of working in over 10 commercial facilities, refining what I believe to be good commercial route setting.

Now, I would like the opportunity to help grow and develop the setting community here in Ontario, and to share those experiences with other setters in a creative and collaborative environment.

Any questions can be sent to Dustin at dustin@upthebloc.com


Agenda and topics covered:

Download (PDF, 116KB)