Over the past number of months, the CEC along with its organizing partner The Boulders in Central Saanich has been planning for the operational, logistical and financial requirements of the IFSC for hosting the WYCH in 2018.
In recent discussions with the IFSC, the CEC has determined that we cannot proceed with hosting this event. The timing of the financial obligations as well as operational constraints has led us to the decision to withdraw our application to host the event. This decision was made in advance of the IFSC’s signing deadline.
As a small national federation with limited financial capacity at this stage in its development, the CEC and our event organizing partner are certainly enthusiastic and capable of organizing an event of this scale. In fact, The Boulders held a very successful WYCH event in 2013. However, with the current scale of the event and its requisite financial obligations, we lack the financial flexibility to host the event with confidence at this time.
We understand that this development will be disappointing to Canadian youth climbers hoping to compete in Canada at a WYCH. Stay tuned for the IFSC announcement of where the event will be hosted in 2018.
The CEC Board
Steve Frangos
Sebastain Powell
Malek Taleb
Greg Locke
Dung Nguyen
Sean McColl